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Welcome to H&W Products The Home of Detect-Her Brush-On, Detect-Her Spray,
Mark-Her and Safe-Lube
Reproductive efficiency in cattle continues to decline. One thing remains the same; good heat detection has a direct positive effect on the success of your reproductive program.
What are your options to obtain
good reproductive efficiency?
- Expensive pedometer systems?
- Shots, Shots, and More Shots?
- Assign your best cow person to hours and hours of visual heat detection?
- Expensive single use and individual cow detection aids?
- Tail marking products that make you scratch your head unless she stands like a statue and rubs her rump raw?
- Tired of messy livestock markers?
- Does your product frequently get licked off?
Now you have a choice.
Detect-Her or Not!

Detect-Her tailpaint is by far the easiest tail-marking product to interpret.
When a cow is in heat, Detect-Her is much more easily removed making interpretation of standing heat more straightforward and accurate. Detect-Her was designed to take the guesswork out of tail marking. Adding the Detect-Her whole herd program can:
- Raise Heat Detection Rates
- Lower Drug Costs
- Save in Labor Costs
- Available in six colors:
Mint Green, Orange
Click here for more reasons
to use Detect-Her
New Inverted Nozzle

Detect Her Spray - Heifer in Heat

Detect Her Spray

New Spray Heads

Upright nozzle

NEW! Inverted nozzle can be used with cap or cap removed